3 steps to attract the client leads you actually want
If you’re a health coach or nutritionist currently taking any client that comes your way, I feel you.
When I first started working for myself, I took literally any opportunity that appeared. This boosted my visibility and I became known in my network. People were giving me referrals, every week, and the money was coming in.
But I wasn’t known for providing any of the things that I actually wanted to do!
I was the person people assumed would do cheap-ish work for any kind of content they wanted - email, website, blogs, brochures, adverts…maybe some design thrown in while we’re at it. But ad-hoc copy with no strategy wasn’t my bag.
All of this led to boring work and a fair few clients who expected the world for tuppence. And I burnt-out quite dramatically - think full existential crisis mode!
So you know what? I started again. This time, with the exact philosophy I’m about to share with you.
Attracting health and wellness clients: what is your dream lead?
If I asked you: who’s your dream client? What would you say?
These are some real answers I’ve had in the past:
Women who want to be more confident and courageous
Women who want to balance their hormones
Women who want to lose weight
Women who struggle to get pregnant
Every one of these categories has millions of women inside it. And you may think ‘well that’s great - more people, more chances, right?’
Unfortunately not.
If you’re serious about attracting dream leads, you have to call out a very specific person as blankly as possible. As the saying goes: if you market to everyone, you market to no one.
In other words, if you try and attract too large a category, you will attract a) absolutely no one or b) tonnes of people you don’t want to work with - which may as well be no one. This is a lot of work for no result.
Specific dream client descriptions that work really well? Here are some examples:
Female managers in corporate companies who want to lead with courage and confidence
PCOS sufferers who want to use a vegan diet to manage their symptoms
Working mothers who want to lose weight sustainably without gym workouts
Women who want to find and treat the root cause of infertility when all their bloodwork came back normal
These are great because they focus on WHO your client is, based on WHAT their goal is and HOW they preferably want to go about it.
So, now to find yours… Here’s the 3 steps.
Step 1: What makes you the dream wellness expert?
Whether you’re qualified in hormone health, nutrition, hypnotherapy, holistic medicine…the first step to knowing what makes your client unique, is to know what makes you unique, as a wellness expert.
Ask yourself these 4 questions:
What were the struggles I encountered on my own health/wellness journey?
What career experience do I already have?
What are my special interests within wellness?
What am I qualified to treat as a wellness expert?
Chances are, you started your career in wellness because you struggled yourself at one point. Consider that journey in the context of your life, and past work experiences, and I can guarantee you have a delicious melting pot of skills, knowledge and passions to offer.
Step 2: What type of person would benefit most from your offer?
Forget all notions of excluding people for a moment - it’s actually GREAT to be as exclusive as possible here.
Your dream client is the person who comes to you and immediately knows they’ve found the right person. Because you can deeply empathise with their:
physical symptoms
emotional landscape
life experience/where they are right now
And these elements enable you to build a successful partnership as practitioner and client.
What people don’t realise when choosing their dream client is that your client really chooses you.
It’s about who would most benefit from working with you, not plucking a type of person out of thin air! And I’ve found thinking about it in this way makes creating content and selling your offer feel much less ick-y. Because suddenly it’s about ‘being of service’ and sales is just a happy byproduct!
Step 3: Speak to your dream leads in everything you do
Now you know the exact person that you want to attract, make peace with the fact that you can no longer speak to absolutely everyone.
You’re here for your dream client.
And your marketing content is here to attract them, and them only. Because they are the person you know benefits most from your service - why would you want to attract people who wouldn’t?
Here’s some places you want to be really conscious of speaking directly to your dream client now:
Your social media posts
Your website
Your email newsletter
Any free or paid resources you offer (free guides, courses etc).
In marketing, we call this your ‘messaging’ i.e. knowing exactly who you’re speaking to, why, and what they want to read from you.
Your take-home actions for attracting dream leads!
Read this back and work through the 3 steps on a piece of paper (or your laptop). If it helps, in Steps 1 and 2, draw a stick person and label them with all of your thoughts.
Then write down your WHO WHAT HOW dream client sentence using this template:
I’m the dream for [specific type of person] who want to [their goal] by/without [the exact way you help].
For Step 3, make yourself a list of where you need to tweak your content to now speak directly to your dream client.
You’ll be surprised how quickly you start attracting the type of client that you’re best suited to and will LOVE working with.