How do I make my health coaching business more visible?
If you’re reading this, I know that you’re already getting enough clients to sustain your health coaching business at the level it’s at, right now.
Yet, at the same time, you want to be more visible.
Because you want to GROW… Not simply serve the same number of clients and make the same amount of money for the rest of time!
So how do you become more visible when you’re already super busy with clients and running a business?
You market smarter, not harder. Of course!
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Why Instagram is not the only marketing channel for health coaches
Before I dive into what does work, let’s just recap this one important detail: Instagram is not the only marketing channel from which to grow your business.
Okay, hear me out…I love Instagram. I’m on it most days.
But if you want maximum visibility as a health coach, you need to diversify your channels.
I see too many coaches, early in their business journey, that put all their effort into Instagram and nothing else. They quickly find themselves on the edge of burnout because their efforts don’t equate to leads.
What’s more; the less leads they get, the more time they spend on the platform comparing themselves to their seemingly more successful counterparts. This is a huge waste of time.
It can also make you feel like you’re never going to ‘make it’ and that just isn’t true!
There are plenty of other channels that generate leads:
In-person and virtual networking groups. (Ask Google to find your local BNI group, women’s networking group, city networking group etc.)
Guest expert-ing in other peoples’ health coaching programmes
Starting your own podcast or guest speaking on others
Nurturing an email list you can sell to directly
And of course, the channel we’re about to explore: your website!
How does a website boost your visibility?
Websites are meant to work with search engines in mind. (Hello Google!)
The job of a search engine is to send people to the website pages (including blog posts) that give them the most valuable answer to their search query.
So, given that 99% of us google our health concerns before we consider seeking professional help, the potential for your website to draw in visitors is huge as a health coach!
And even better news? It’s a totally untapped channel right now. Barely any of the health coaches I’ve found on Instagram also have an optimised website.
They’re missing out on a whole portion of potential clients because Google can’t signpost visitors to them for questions like:
Why am I getting such heavy periods?
How can I cure my IBS without medication?
Why do I still have acne after trying every cream?
So how does a website boost your visibility?
It draws in a whole world of clients that may otherwise not know you exist
All you had to do was post a few pages of optimised content… then Google can present you as an option to the people who need you most.
And not just today; for literally years to come (as long as your content is online!).
Why having a health coaching website is totally worth it
When it’s just you, marketing your business, you need to be able to cast a wide net with as little effort as possible.
Having an optimised website that’s designed to be found by Google, draw in a specific audience, and convert them to a tangible lead, is invaluable.
A website is one of the only channels where leaving your content alone pays dividends. It works while you sleep, when you’re on holiday or sick…
You don’t have to worry about an ever-changing algorithm, creating content a few times a week or showing your face when you don’t feel like it.
Websites were designed to be the sustainable, slow burning marketing channel.
But only if you’ve optimised them for discoverability - Google can’t show you in results if it can’t find you.
3 fundamentals of a discoverable website (SEO basics)
In order for search engines to find your website, you need to consider this thing called SEO (search engine optimisation).
It’s not as scary as it sounds! And the fundamentals we’re going to explore now can go a really long way to aiding your visibility online.
1. Plan out your page in sections
As a website copywriter and blogger myself, I always start with the structure. And this mean planning out my sections, what’s going in them, and what order they should be presented in.
For example, if you’re writing your new homepage this will always consist of:
Section 1
Your hero banner with your title, strapline and some kind of call to action. This is the first thing everyone sees as soon as they visit, so it has to convey the vibe of the entire page in a sentence or two. Plus, let everyone know what the point of this page is e.g. to click a button to book a call with you.
Sections 2 - 5
I say 2-5 because you can put these in the order you feel is right for you.
Your Why - what’s the big problem you’re solving for your clients?
An introduction to you and your brand
An overview of your services
Testimonials from past clients
If you’re writing a services page or blog, the nature of your sections will vary.
The logic of planning in sections is to ensure you add value in a clear and concise way - and in the order that your reader would expect to be presented with the information.
It also makes for easy formatting which is absolutely essential. Let’s move onto that next.
2. Add a valuable heading to each section
Formatting your website page or blog post is key for Google to assess whether you’ve answered a search query, or not.
In your website or blog platform, you’ll have the option to format your headings to Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Paragraph/Normal.
For each section you’ve just mapped out, the words you now write must consist of at least one heading and some paragraph/normal text.
Note that:
Only your Section 1 should include a Heading 1 (plus whatever other text you want)
All your other sections should contain Headings 2 or 3 and some paragraph text
To ensure your headings have value, research what questions your ideal clients are likely to google. Then make them your headings!
3. Add graphics, images or videos where relevant
A website or blog post with no visual assets does not do well.
Graphics, images and videos make up part of the user experience - breaking up walls of text and adding more value to your content. Search engines put a lot of emphasis on the user experience nowadays.
I see so many people skip this step!
If you have original visual content - amazing! If not, it’s so easy to grab free stock images off providers such as Unsplash. And I know that website builders such as Wix and Squarespace also give you access to them, for free.
How to get support optimising your site
If you’re feeling more confident but you know you’ll never get around to re-writing your website yourself…
I’d love to help! I’m a website copywriter and blog strategist for women’s health coaches and wellness experts.
Book a discovery call with me to discuss how you could be supported. It’s totally free!