5-part framework for Google-ranking wellness blogs

You know what’s more heartbreaking than a website that isn’t optimised for search engines to find?

An optimised website without regular blog posts. 

Because without a blog, your gorgeous site isn’t being looked at by Google repeatedly. 

It’s a one-hit-wonder sorta vibe: Google praises you for delighting it with new SEO content to crawl, so it floats you up the rankings.

Then, 3 months goes by and it realises you actually weren’t that interesting….

Your new copy is collecting dust… Google gets bored… And you sink back down the results pages. 

So the number-one way to ensure you stay relevant? 

Start a blog.

You get all the SEO rewards of creating a new website page whilst being able to showcase your expertise, your juicy opinions, and maybe even your funny side…

But there is a skill to blogging, especially if you want Google to discover you. 


The Anchor Method: 5-part blogging framework 

The Anchor Method is my signature framework for publishing and repurposing blog content that drives website visitors and helps you to convert them to clients. 

After you’ve mastered this ‘safe for beginners’ method, you’ll be:

  • Setting an intention for every blog

  • Effortlessly ‘bulking out’ a title into a 600-800 word article

  • Incorporating SEO basics to drive traffic to your website

  • Offering your services as the reader’s logical next step

  • Repurposing your blog content across your marketing

In short: You’re going to have all the steps to blog like a pro! 

Let’s explore the steps.


1. AN - Set an aim & name your ideal reader

Setting a goal for your article and thinking about who you’re wanting to read are crucial starting-line considerations.

Otherwise, how are you meant to pick an impactful topic and a title that reels-in the right readers?

The easy answer is: you’re not. 

You will be stabbing in the dark and spending time writing content that flops. (I know because I’ve been there).

Skipping this step is the reason that so many people get stuck when it comes to writing their blogs! So just spend 5 minutes, before every blog, really focussing on its purpose. 

2. C - Create valuable blog content!

You might be thinking ‘duh?’

So before you race onto Step 3. Let’s just recap the meaning of valuable blog content.

It’s not 200 words in a few paragraphs slapped on the page. 

It’s a whole journey: a lot like a class at school, your blog title is your ‘big thing’ that they’ll learn, and within that are smaller objectives i.e. your subsections.

Your blog should therefore not answer just a single question, but a collection. And this does wonders for your word count (you should be aiming for 600-1000 words).

And of course add your own (anonymised) client experiences and personal opinion to the facts! Because that is what people really want - your juicy expert insight!

Graphic of the ocean with text reading S-Sea-O. Like content SEO.

3. H - Help search engines (like Google) to find you

The third step in this framework is to consider search-engine optimisation best practices. 

And there are 4 factors that will immediately improve your discoverability:

  1. Splitting your blog into clear subsections

  2. Formatting your content with H1 and H2 tags

  3. Embedding visuals like graphics or videos

  4. Optimising your meta copy

If you include these with every blog, on top of your valuable content, you’ll be smashing it!

(For exactly HOW to do this, and what it looks like in a real-life example, head to my free training on The Anchor Method!)

4. O - Offer your business as the logical next step

Whilst your reader has come to you in their research stage, making them aware of their next step - and that step potentially being a free or paid offer from you - is not sleazy or inappropriate.

It’s empowering! 

The last thing you want to do is leave your reader at a dead end. 

So end your blog with a final section on how they can move forward - with your free download, a low-ticket offer or even high-ticket services like group programmes or 1:1.

By this point, you have everything you need to create a high-impact, search engine optimised blog collection.

So step 5 is a bonus if you really want to use this framework to the max!

5. R - Repurpose your content!

The previous steps have allowed you to plan and publish a blog that’s value-packed and has great potential of being found on a Google results page. 

But don’t just leave your content there! It’s way too valuable to be ‘one and done’ - this blog is ideal to repurpose on your other channels. 

You can even use it as your sole foundation for all the content you post in the coming weeks, for a super cohesive content strategy! 

For example, you can take a subsection of your blog and turn it into an Instagram post, TikTok, masterclass scripts…

The potential is endless.

Graphic that shows a question 'making readers aware that their next step is you is...' and the answer being 'empowering'


Let’s recap the Anchor Method:

  • AN - Set an aim & name your ideal reader

  • C - Create valuable blog content!

  • H - Help search engines to find you

  • O - Offer your business as the logical next step

  • R - Repurpose your content!

Obviously, as you publish more blogs, this framework will become second nature rather than a conscious step-by-step method. 

Learn exactly HOW to implement this method

I’ve made a 30-minute video training to walk you through implementing The Anchor Method, step by step. With working examples so you’re crystal clear on how to apply this to your own content writing!

Plus extra waves of blogging inspiration and a free template upgrade!


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